Friday, December 12, 2014

Fall 2014 Interns

This is a picture of me (Lauren) helping Nick look at his lease payments. Working in a company’s accounting department has given me the chance to step outside of a classroom setting and apply the knowledge I have learned in a real world experience. The accounting language has become familiar and concepts that were considered hard to understand during tests have become simple. - Lauren Dalton

Working in the real world you get to see the challenges and successes that are going to come with the job. I have to say that all semester I found it very challenging to finish all my work in the 25 hours a week I worked. I learned that you have to make use of every minute you are at work. I also learned accountability and organization skills, just as much as specific accounting skills. - Nick Borders

I have worked at Cerner for the past two and a half years as a contract manager on the supplier contracts team. Throughout my time with the company, I have had the opportunity to develop business communication skills as well as organizational habits. I review contracts for hotels and event spaces and those for third party consulting services and then present them to the CFO. This role gives me a great deal of exposure to different parts of the business. - Tyler Scroggs


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